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Ground Lease

$0.55 per square foot per year

Hangar Rental

Hangars 1A to 27A

$310.00 per month

City-owned Box Hangars

$340.00 per month

All other City-owned T-hangars

$405.00 per month

Shade Hangar

$185.00 per month

Tie Downs

Monthly Fee


Annual Fee


Fuel Flowage Fee

$0.08 per gallon for non-air carriers. $0.05 for air carriers.

Annual Fee for Commercial Services

To be determined

White Badge Fee

$25.00 per year

SIDA Badge Fee

$50.00 per year

Airport Parking Fee

$12.00 per vehicle per day

Rental Car Concessions Fee

10% of gross revenue plus $20.00 per month per parking space

Landing Fee

$1.03 per 1,000 pounds landed weight for all aircraft over 12,500 pounds

Terminal Fee

$1.95 per enplaned passenger

Office Space Lease

$20.00 per square foot per year

Remain Over Night Fee

$50.00 per plane per night

Retail Concession Fee

5% of gross revenue

Customer Facility Charge

$3.50 per rental day

Electric Vehicle Charging Rate

$0.11 per kWh

Passenger Facility Charge

$4.50 per passenger

Document Review Fee

$200.00 per application