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The following definitions shall apply to the regulation and control of landscaping within this Title (more detailed information can be found in the ANSI Z60.1-2004 revision of the American Standard for Nursery Stock):

“Annual” means a plant which completes its life cycle within one (1) year of germination.

“Artificial turf grass” means a surface of synthetic fibers made to resemble natural grass.

“Biennial” means a plant which completes its life cycle in two (2) years.

“Botanical name” means the Latin scientific name of a plant.

“Buffering” means the use of landscaping (other than mere turf grass on flat terrain), or the use of vegetation along with berms, walls or decorative fences that at least partially and periodically obstruct the view from the street, in a continuous manner, of vehicular use areas, parking lots and their parked cars, and detention ponds.

“Caliper” means a standard trunk diameter measurement for nursery grown trees taken six (6) inches above the ground for trees up to and including four (4) inch caliper size, and twelve (12) inches above the ground for larger size trees.

“Cultivar” means the plant variety originated in cultivation and not in the wild.

“Deciduous” means a plant that loses its leaves at the end of the growing season.

“Design Review Committee” means the committee established by Chapter 14.04A, Provo City Code.

“Detention area” means a temporary storage of a determined quantity of water with a release rate that is either fixed or variable.

“Drip irrigation” means a network of narrow tubes or porous tubing which delivers small amounts of water to individual plants in order to reduce the amount of water wasted due to wind, evaporation or spillage.

“Drip line” means a vertical line extending from the outermost edge of the tree canopy or shrub branch to the ground.

“Evergreen” means a plant which retains its leaves in a living state during the winter.

“Foundation area” means the ground area immediately adjacent to a building on all sides thereof.

“Genus” means a class of plants divided into subordinate species.

“Ground cover” means a prostrate plant less than one (1) foot in height at maturity and used for ornamental purposes.

“Hardscape” means functional, hard-surfaced amenities in landscaped areas which may include but are not limited to pathways (excluding public sidewalks), patios, decks, pools, sport facilities, courtyards, walls or raised planters that are constructed of materials such as concrete, pavers, crushed limestone, wood or decomposed granite.

“Hardy” means the ability of a plant to withstand minimum cold and maximum hot temperatures in a specific location.

“Impervious” means a surface that does not allow water to percolate.

“Island” means a raised planting area, usually curbed, and placed to guide traffic, separate lanes, limit paving (impervious surface), provide vegetation, reduce heat island effect, and increase aesthetic quality in parking lots and other areas.

“Landscape plan” means the preparation of graphic and written criteria, specifications, and detailed plans to arrange and modify the effects of natural features such as plantings, ground and water forms, circulation, walks and other features to comply with the provisions of this Chapter.

“Landscape yards” means a yard devoted exclusively to landscaping (except for driveways and sidewalks needed to serve the use and buildings on the lot).

“Landscaped area” means an entire parcel of real property less the building footprint, driveways, nonirrigated portions of parking lots, and other nonporous areas excluding “hardscape.” Water features are included in the calculation of the landscaped area.

“Landscaping” means any combination of living plants, such as trees, shrubs, vines, ground covers, flowers or grass; natural features such as rock, stone, bark chips or shavings, xeric landscaping; and structural features, including, but not limited to, fountains, reflecting pools, outdoor art work, screen walls, fences, or benches.

“Microclimate” means a specific expression of the wind, temperature, and precipitation patterns of a specific site or property.

“Mulch” means any loose, organic or inorganic, material placed over the soil as a protective covering or for decorative purposes such as ground bark, saw dust, leaves, compost, straw, gravel, stone, or rock.

“Ornamental grass” means an annual or perennial grass grown as a plant in nonturf landscape area and that is not meant to be mown.

“Parking lot plantings” means a planting area, within or adjacent to a parking area, designed to shade and improve the attractiveness of large areas of pavement.

“Parkway area” means the strip of land next to a road which is between the curb and the sidewalk.

“Perennial” means a plant which will live for three (3) years or more under normal conditions.

“Permeable” means material that permits water penetration.

“Planting area” means the area prepared for the purpose of accommodating the planting of trees, shrubs, and ground covers.

“Retention area” means an area designed and used for the temporary or permanent storage of storm water runoff.

“Rootball” means the intact ball of earth or growing medium containing the roots of a nursery plant.

“Shrub” means a small, medium, or large upright plant growing less than five (5) feet to twenty (20) feet in height at maturity that is planted for ornamental or screening purposes.

“Site analysis plan” means a plan drawn with sufficient detail to show existing site conditions including steep slopes, wetlands, watercourses, existing vegetation, scenic views, drainage ways, fences, easements, and other existing features pertaining to the proposed site.

“Softscape” means living or unhardened elements such as flowers, vines, shrubs, trees, flowerbeds and others that are incorporated into the landscaped area.

“Species” means a category of plants ranking below genus.

“Street tree” or “public tree” is a tree in any public place, located on Provo City property, or street rights-of-way, including, but not limited to, parkway areas.

“Street yard” means a planting area parallel to a public street designed to provide continuity of vegetation along the right-of-way and to soften the impact of development by providing a pleasing view from the street.

“Tree” means a woody plant with a distinct central trunk.

“Tree, ornamental” means a small to medium tree, growing fifteen (15) to forty (40) feet in height at maturity, that is planted for aesthetic purposes such as colorful flowers, interesting bark, or foliage.

“Tree protection zone” means the area around a tree corresponding to the drip line or ten (10) feet in all directions from the trunk or as identified by the City Forester or certified arborist.

“Tree, shade” means a large tree planted to provide canopy cover shade.

“Turf grass” means any of various grasses such as Kentucky bluegrass, tall fescue grass or perennial ryegrass grown to be mown and form turf.

“Variety” means one (1) of possibly many closely related plant species.

“Water wise” describes a water conservative landscape achieved through the use of good planning and design, limited turf areas, soil improvements, efficient irrigation, mulching, low water use/native plants, and appropriate trees, shrubs, and ground cover.

“Xeric landscaping” means the practice of designing landscapes to reduce the need for irrigation beyond what the local natural climate provides.

“Zeroscaping” means a sterile area filled primarily with dirt or gravel with no living plants.

(Rep&ReEn 1999-34, Rep&ReEn 1999-61, Am 2012-20, Am 2015-12, Am 2019-50)